We’re excited to announce that the short film Le Reste N’a Pas D’Importance, showcasing the captivating cinematography of Hadrien Vedel, has been chosen for the Cairo International Film Festival. Directed by Romain Dumont and produced by Ad Vitam Court and C Kan Kon Va Ou, the film tells the story of Cheun, a beloved figure in his community. At the bustling intersection of Myrha and Clignancourt, Cheun turns traffic control into a lively performance, blending breakdance-inspired moves with warm greetings for passersby. One day, however, his lively routine is unexpectedly interrupted, and the usual monotony takes over. The film stars Didier Galantine, Victor Bonnel, Rémy Breteau, Aurélien Grellier-Beker, Elizabeth Mazev, and Arnaud Boufassa.